I used to grab some opportunities from payingpost.com or http://www.blogadvertisingstore.com/ . According to their terms and condition that they will only pay the opportunities you grab upon reaching the threshold of $100. I already reached the threshold last April 2010 but until now they have not paid me. I already sent several tickets for them to sent the money I earned through paypal but to no avail. Worse, their administration never replied. Are you a member of payingpost? Did they pay you? If yes, please help me.
Ofcourse, paying post is very different from payperpost because payperpost is really paying after 30 days from the date of posting.
I am posting this because I would like to let other blogger know what payingpost is doing. I have the right to collect the fee. I earned it, I authored the post requested, I faithfully followed their requirements. I hope they will realized and eventually pay the money I earned.